Rozina Palaiologou
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Dr. Rozina Palaiologou
Palaiologou Rozina was born and raised in Athens. She is married and has two children. She completed her studies at the Psychology Department of School of Social, Economics & Political Sciences at the University of Crete. After her studies, she received her professional license by the municipality of Athens under No 11326 // 15-05-09.
She has worked for the Attica Psychiatric Hospital DAFNI. Also, she has worked for the Society of Social Psychiatry and Mental Health, participating in supervising and scientific groups. She has participated as well in programs of socialization and individual development of psychiatric patients.
Certified Cognitive Behavioral Therapist. She has finished her training in Cognitive – Behavioral Therapy at the Company of Cognitive and Behavioral Studies. Furthermore, she completed the integrated four year program of theoretical and clinical practice, according to the standards of European Society of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy.
Certified Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) teacher. MBSR is a stress reduction program provided by the Center of Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care & Society, Department of Medicine at Massachusetts University, USA & Brown University, USA.
She collaborates with Cognitive Behavioral Studies Company targetting the education of mental health specialists (psychologists – psychiatrists) in “Basic Principles of Mindfulness”and works as course lecturer “Introduction to Mindfulness” . She also provides training to scientific and administration staff at Medical-Pedagogical Center of Athens on “Mindfulness Intervention. Basic Principles ”.
Her specific interest is focused on women’s mental health. She completed the program ‘’Parenthood and Mental Health’’, at Women’s Health Department of the A’ Psychiatric Clinic, University of Athens. In addition, she is coordinator of psychoeducative and supportive groups of women with fertility issues both at her private office and at REA Fertility Unit.
She is in collaboration with maternity centers running psychoeducative groups of pregnant women. The aim is to prevent perinatal depression, stress management, cultivation of psychological flexibility and resilience in pregnancy, childbirth and postnatal period.
Moreover, she participates in congresses and publishes articles regarding psychological issues on infertility and maternity.
She has made publication in Hellenic Journal of Cognitive Behavioral Research & Therapy “Mindfulness – Based Stress Reduction. MBSR.” Palaiologou R. The Hellenic Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Research and Therapy, Volume 5, No 1, p.13, January 2019 – December 2019.
Founding member of Women’s Mental Health Society. It promotes issues related to the women’s mental health. All issues related to it at a biological, psychological, social and institutional level.
Member of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), in the special field of Psychological Support in Assisted Reproduction.
Member of the MARCE, International Society of Perinatal Mental Health.