Dr. Evangelos Sakkas, Phd
Gynecologist and Obstetrician
Dr. Evangelos Sakkas
Gynecologist and Obstetrician
Gynecologist and Obstetrician Specialized in IVF and Gynecological Endocrinology.
He has PhD degree in University of Athens.
He has PhD degree in University of Athens.
Graduated from Medical School of the Athen’s University.
Military service as doctor at Chios Island. Master in Reproduction, University of Athens.
One year of general surgery at Elpis Public Hospital of Athens.
Specialisation in Ob/Gyn at Bruxelles, ULB.
Specialisation in IVF at the largest IVF center of Europe, UZ Brussel. It is famous center for having discovered the ICSI method and having published the most important papers in PUB Med.
Lecturer for 2 years at the Brugmann University Hospital of Bruxelles, ULB.
Master in IVF, Paris Descartes University.
He has also got master in pediatric and adolescent gynecology in Société Française de Pédiatrie.
Master in Urogynecology in Université de Versailles.
Collaboration with REA and Genesis hospitals as well as UZ Brussel and Brugmann University Hospital.
He has participated in many international and national congresses and has published many papers on Pub Med.