PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)

Ovarian Rejuvenation

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)

Ovarian Rejuvenation

Is ovarian rejuvenation possible? Of course yes!

Dedicated to women who are unable to have a child at an advanced age but who have problems with premature ovarian failure or low ovarian reserve, who have entered menopause early due to genetic, physical, environmental or pharmacological issues.

This new procedure therefore makes it possible to become mothers without egg donation.

Ovarian rejuvenation acts on the ovary, partially reversing the aging process of the follicles, awakening their development process.

The process of ovarian rejuvenation involves two phases.

  • The first is the preparation of growth factors that are isolated from your blood and processed in the laboratory (PRP, Platelet Rich Plasma).
    This starts with a simple blood draw. White blood cells and platelets are separated from red blood cells and serum. The preparation takes less than an hour.
  • The next part of the ovarian rejuvenation process is the injection of these factors into the ovaries with light sedation (day hospital).

After a month we carry out a dosage of the hormones AMH and FSH and see how they have improved.

Our experience so far has shown excellent results with the appearance of menstruation in women with early menopause and spontaneous pregnancies in women with low ovarian reserve for their age.

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