IVF with Egg Donor
In Vitro Fertilisation with egg donation – Heterologous Extracorporeal IVF.
10 Answers to the most frequently asked questions referring to ivf with donor eggs or heterologous Extracorporeal in Vitro:
Would you like your dream to become a reality with having a child of your own? Would you like to experience the miracle of motherhood?
The state of the art techniques of IVF with the use of donor eggs, allow many women to make their dreams come true with the process of egg retrieval – recipient – and finally experiencing the joy of motherhood.
This successfully happens with the help of another woman. The egg donor doesn’t just offer her eggs, but she offers complete happiness to another couple.
1. What is Heterologous Extracorporeal IVF?
Hetereologeous Extracorporeal IVF is an IVF cycle with borrowed eggs. Practically in vitro fertilization happens with the use of eggs that have come form a donor – a donor to another woman – a recipient who is in need.
2. How is in vitro fertilization carried with the use of an egg donor?
The procedure of IVF with the use of an egg donor, happens exactly like heterologous extracorporeal IVF with just one difference: The procedure of processing happens to the donor and after the collection of eggs, the appropriate eggs are then used towards the recipient.
Specifically, after a health background check of the donor, the process begins with hormonal therapy. After the sonogram monitoring of the egg follicles, then begins the retrieval of the eggs. On that same day the eggs will be fertilised with the sperm of the husband/partner of the recipient. Once we get to the blastocyst stage (five day old embryos), the embryo transfers directly to the recipient’s womb. In parallel, the recipient receives the necessary treatment, hormonal or not, for the preparation of her endometrium.
3. Which women can choose as a solution an egg donor?
For some women the search for happiness comes with something very small, but at the same time great: an egg.
There are different indications and cases that lead us to heterologous extracorporeal in vitro, but the most common cause is one: poor quality of eggs from the recipient.
The most common cases of ivf with egg donation, has to do with the woman’s age. It is known as, after the age of 40-45, the quality of the eggs are very low. In another case where we choose an egg donor, has to do with premature menopause, but also with previous unsuccessful ivf treatment. Cases that show ovarian incompetence due to chemotherapy, radiation or with a genetic disease background also find solution with in vitro fertilisation from a young and healthy egg donor.
Just like that, the journey of waiting comes to an “end” and the most touching moment starts in a woman’s life: motherhood
4. Which women can become egg donors?
Based on the Greek Law, donors can be women of:
- ages 18 – 35
- Those who have full legal capacity
- healthy
If the donor is married or is in living situation with free will, it is demanded a consent form from the husband or partner, besides her own consent form for her to offer her eggs towards ivf to a third party.
A donor of a familiar face is forbidden.
Basic principle of an assisted reproduction is that the donor remains anonymous. All of the medical information is safely kept in a coded format in the Cryopreservation Bank and in the National Authority of Donors and Recipients.
5. How is the egg donor suitable?
Before starting the egg donor program, the donor is tested by a pathologist, geneticist, gynaecologist and a psychologist. The medical testing is about her physical and mental situation, her genetic material and her reproductive system.
The choice of the donor is based on the exterior characteristics of the recipient and her blood type.
6. What is the success rate with the use of an egg donor?
The success rate of a successful pregnancy with an egg donor reaches up to 70%.
It took many years, but in vitro fertilization with an egg donor has showed gratitude results, with more supporters in the science community and embryology.
Success comes only with a systematic preparation and the right timing of the recipient and the donor.
7. Why should you become an egg donor?
Choosing to become an egg donor through assisted reproduction, you can bring a couple one step closer to their destination. We encourage every healthy woman between the age of 18 to 35, to submit to this “generous” gift of life to two people.
- By helping two conscience people, who have tried repeatedly to have a child, reaching there most important goal which is to become parents.
- You will be receiving free analytical test and you will have an evaluation of your overall health.
- Offering your eggs does not affect you reproductive ability for future pregnancies.
- Besides the emotional reward and satisfaction, your reward is also practical. You will be compensated for your time and your devotion.
- Become a “hero” of two other people’s lives, whom everyday invest in a dream of an offer.
During the procedure, the recipient as well as a donor are treated with the same carefulness and sensitivity. Our goal is that both women receive a personalised and safe approach throughout the whole program.
8. How will you become certain to move ahead with the procedure?
If you have gone through every therapy and lost all hope, and your decision with an egg donor from the beginning may have caused some doubts, everything will change when you hear the wonderful news with a successful pregnancy.
Beneficiary from the eggs of a young donor, you can beat time and live the miracle of motherhood bringing into the world a healthy child.
9. What is the role of epigenetics when we follow ivf?
Before a couple years ago, we believed that the genetic syndrome was from half of the father and half of the donor. Today we know that it is not true.
There is and it has been proven, the role of epigenetics from the syndrome of the recipient to the development of the embryo. If by example we take the same embryo and we put it in two different recipients, you can be sure that the children that are going to be born will be completely different.
Epigenetics has proven that the exchange of genetic fluid is a result to the first part of the embryos development, given emphasis to the most important role of the uterus, the genotype and the phenotype of the child.
With the choice of in vitro fertilization, many women became mothers and many families became happy. Thats the only thing that matters.
9 months of pregnancy gives the mother a magical experience and a special connection between her and her child.
For each woman, the touching sound of the fetus’ heart beating, and the first sonogram is something very unique. Those are the special moments in her life, that fills us with joy and satisfaction for the help the we have given.
10. What does the Greek Law predict?
The Greek Law based on IVF, is very liberal compared to other countries in the EU. At the same time it has a strict form of rules, that protects the couple as well as, the egg donor. The identities remain anonymous and confidential. Furthermore, the egg collection of the donor is registered in an electronic file in the National Authorities of Assisted Reproduction.
The team of Gyncare IVF, has prepared a relative video for more information.