Breast deseases
Woman’s breast is subject to functional and morphological changes associated with menstruation, pregnancy, lactation and menopause. There are many benign but also malignant conditions in the breast. However, we can treat succesfully if we diagnose them early.
Every woman is required to do a self-examination once every 6 months. Women have detected most tumors by themselves. No one can know a woman’s breast better than herself!
Undoubtedly, after the age of 20 years, the gynecologists should examine women once every year. If the gynecologists suspect a condition, they suggest a breast ultrasound.
At the age of 40, women must do their first mammography. After this age mammography / ultrasound should be done annually and from 50-69 years of age every 2 years.
How is a breast self-examination done?
Breast self examination includes visual and then palpable examination. The visual examination is done in front of a mirror with the hands down and parallel to the body. We notice any unusual signs or changes in the breasts, such as a change in size or in their shape, any lumps, lumps or redness in the area. We repeat the same test with your arms upright or behind the head.
If there is some excretion from the nipple, or if any other lesion is felt, you must inform the gynecologist directly, who will perform a full examination.
Benign diseases
Benign conditions are 88% -90% of the pathology of the breast and include all pathological conditions other than cancer.
Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is the most common cause of death among young women nowadays. Unfortunately, 1 out of 10 women will suffer from this disease. In some cases it happens in women of reproductive age.
Risk factors
The treatment of breast cancer is effective in the majority of cases, especially if we diagnose it early. It includes chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormonal preparations and surgical treatment. We often need to combine the above mentioned therapies.